Healthy Aging - Alberta Summit 2023

October 10 - 12, 2023

About the event

Healthy Aging Alberta (HAA) and the Alberta Association on Gerontology (AAG)

will be hosting the first ever

Healthy Aging - Alberta Summit 2023 Reimagining Aging: Leading the Way for an Integrated Approach  

Attend three days of integrated learning and sessions to bring together community organizations and systems partners to co-create a collaborative environment toward an integrated approach to healthy aging for older Albertans.

By coming together we can make Alberta one of the best places in the world to grow older!


Please check back regularly for updates on our Agenda and Speakers! 

All speakers will be in-person and on-site at the event in Calgary, Alberta however, the Healthy Aging - Alberta Summit 2023 will be hosted both in-person and virtually. Live sessions will be broadcast to the event platform to watch in real-time. All virtual sessions will have moderators hosting the sessions and answering questions. These sessions will be set up in Zoom rooms with digital breakout groups (when required for work sessions/discussions), and you can interact and converse with other online attendees. Sessions will be recorded and hosted post-event so you can watch the content you may have missed. The virtual platform also hosts a digital lounge for networking opportunities and connecting with other attendees to get the full interactive conference experience. 


time iconOctober 10, 2023 11:30

Event Check-in (1.5 hours)


In-Person- Deerfoot Inn and Casino Front Hall

Virtual- No Virtual broadcast

In-Person and Virtual Exhibitors will be open.

Please visit the virtual lounge to network with other attendees!

time iconOctober 10, 2023 13:00

Introductory Remarks (40 min)

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Karen McDonald Sage Seniors | HAA
Sage Seniors Association

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Elder Doreen Spence
Cree Elder

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Sharon Anderson University of Alberta
Alberta Association on Gerontology


Introductory Remarks 


Karen McDonald – Healthy Aging Alberta

Welcome & Land Acknowledgement  

Introduce Elder Doreen Spence

Elder Doreen Spence

Opening Ceremony

Karen McDonald – Healthy Aging Alberta

Welcome Address

Sharon Anderson – Alberta Association on Gerontology

Welcome Address

Thank you to sponsors 

Introducing the Calgary Mayor

Mayor Gondek – City of Calgary

Sharon Anderson – Alberta Association on Gerontology

Introducing Corinne Schalm

Corinne Schalm – ADM of Continuing Care in Alberta Health 



In-Person- On Mainstage in Sundance A/B/C 

Virtual- Broadcast live to the Virtual Mainstage 

time iconOctober 10, 2023 13:40

Demographics Shape our Future (30 min)

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Laura Tamblyn Watts

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Marlene Raasok AAG
Alberta Association on Gerontology


Stream: Seeing & Seizing a Future of Longevity & Opportunity 

Session: Demographics Shape our Future

Speaker: Laura Tamblyn Watts, CEO CanAge

Introduced By: Marlene Raasok, Alberta Association on Gerontology

Canada’s national advocacy organization working to improve the lives of older adults through advocacy, policy, and community engagement. 

An engaging presentation of changing Canadian and global demographics around diversity, and rural vs. urban populations. Laura will discuss the implications & opportunities of: 

  • Lifespan to health span, and priority health issues 

  • New capacity for work and economic level 

  • Impact on family caregivers 

  • Financial and social policy priorities, National Policy 

  • Strong intergenerational & multicultural communities 



In-Person- On Mainstage in Sundance A/B/C 

Virtual- Broadcast Live to the Virtual Mainstage with breakout rooms- Moderated by Healthy Aging Alberta representatives 

time iconOctober 10, 2023 14:15

Appreciating Differences (30 min)

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Marvin Washington
University of Alberta

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Marlene Raasok AAG
Alberta Association on Gerontology


Stream: Seeing & Seizing a Future of Longevity & Opportunity

Session: Appreciating Differences

Speaker: Dr. Marvin Washington, College Dean & Vice Provost for Social Sciences & Humanities, U of A 

Introduced By: Marlene Raasok, Alberta Association on Gerontology

Leadership professional Dr. Marvin Washington challenges the audience to move from stereotypes & labelling to appreciating differences across the “isms” and removing the labels for Justice and Belonging


In-Person- On Mainstage in Sundance A/B/C 

Virtual- Broadcast Live to the Virtual Mainstage with breakout rooms- Moderated by Healthy Aging Alberta representatives 

time iconOctober 10, 2023 14:50

Afternoon break with refreshments, networking and exhibitor visitation


No Virtual Broadcast 

In-Person and Virtual Exhibitors will be open.

Please visit the virtual lounge to network with other attendees!

time iconOctober 10, 2023 15:10

Developing an Age-Positive Culture (40 min)

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Carl Honore
Canadian Journalist, best-selling author

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Marlene Raasok AAG
Alberta Association on Gerontology


Stream: Seeing and Seizing a Future of Longevity & Opportunity

Session: Developing an Age-Positive Culture and Embracing Aging

Speaker: Carl Honore, Canadian Journalist, best-selling author – including the book Bolder: How to Age Better & Feel Better About Aging

Introduced by: Marlene Raasok, Alberta Association on Gerontology

Carl Honore will engage the audience in shifting perspectives and changing the rhetoric of ageism and how we can reduce stigma while building age-positive communities and culture.  


In-Person- On Mainstage in Sundance A/B/C 

Virtual- Broadcast Live to the Virtual Mainstage with breakout rooms- Moderated by Healthy Aging Alberta representatives 

time iconOctober 10, 2023 15:50

Response Panel: Seeing & Seizing a Future of Longevity & Opportunity (20 min)

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Laura Tamblyn Watts

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Marvin Washington
University of Alberta

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Carl Honore
Canadian Journalist, best-selling author

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Marlene Raasok AAG
Alberta Association on Gerontology



regarding the last three speakers in the Seeing & Seizing a Future of Longevity & Opportunity stream (20 min):  

Moderator: Marlene Raasok, Alberta Association on Gerontology 

  1. Question 1: What is the most important change we need to make? 

 (a) as policymakers in enabling the future 

 (b) as service providers creating environments for success with community members & staff 

  1. Question 2: From your work nationally and internationally, are you aware of exemplars we should look at (e.g., prov strategy, community leaders) or examples we should avoid? 

  1. Question 3: As you heard each other’s presentations, do you have a new perspective to take away? 



In-Person- On Mainstage in Sundance A/B/C 

Virtual- Broadcast Live to the Virtual Mainstage with breakout rooms- Moderated by Healthy Aging Alberta representatives 

time iconOctober 10, 2023 16:10

Pursuing Person-centered Health & Wellbeing Navigation (15 min)

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Leonard Frank
Alberta Blue Cross

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Marlene Raasok AAG
Alberta Association on Gerontology


Stream: Being at Our Best in This New World

Session: Pursuing Person-Centred Health and Wellbeing Navigation (15 min)

Speaker: Leonard Frank, Health Integration, Alberta Blue Cross

Introduced By: Marlene Raasok, Alberta Association on Gerontology

Designing person-centric systems to collate and share information across all services, and empowering citizens to navigate their next best steps for client-centred care. 



In-Person- On Mainstage in Sundance A/B/C 

Virtual- Broadcast Live to the Virtual Mainstage with breakout rooms- Moderated by Healthy Aging Alberta representatives 

time iconOctober 10, 2023 16:25

Living Well: Shaping a Movement for Greater Inclusivity (15min)

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Jill Petrovic
Alzheimer Calgary

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Marlene Raasok AAG
Alberta Association on Gerontology


Stream: Being at Our Best in This New World

Session: Living Well: Shaping a Movement for Greater Inclusivity (15 min)

Speaker: Jill Petrovic, Strategist with Alzheimer Society of Calgary

Introduced By: Marlene Raasok, Alberta Association on Gerontology


Jill Petrovic shares recent data regarding stigma around Dementia and moving towards a better tomorrow while developing strategies for change. 



In-Person- On Mainstage in Sundance A/B/C 

Virtual- Broadcast Live to the Virtual Mainstage with breakout rooms- Moderated by Healthy Aging Alberta representatives 

time iconOctober 10, 2023 16:45

Round Table Dialogue: Demographics May Shape our Future: PEOPLE Will Create Futures of Wellbeing, Caring & Prosperity (45 min)

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Laura Tamblyn Watts

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Elder Dr. Reg Crowshoe
Blackfoot Elder

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Elder Rose Crowshoe
Blackfoot Elder

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Ron Freckleton
Person with lived experience

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Marjorie Zingle
Person with lived experience

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Rossbina Nathoo
FOCUS on Seniors


Session: Demographics May hape our Future: PEOPLE Will Create Futures of Wellbeing, Caring & Prosperity (45 min) 

Facilitator: Laura Tamblyn Watts

  • Laura Tamblyn Watts joins us again to facilitate a panel with 5 Exemplary Role Models in our Communities. Facilitated Panel with exemplars, sharing stories of purpose, interdependence, active aging, & continuing contributions! Reflection on learnings and discussion on what we can do differently while recognizing the diversity of personal experiences, social/economic policy opportunities, intergenerational living, and our language.  


    Panel Speakers:  

    • Ron Freckleton - 93 years old, caregiver for late wife, book author, community activist, and contributor to dementia care.

    • Rossbina Nathoo - 66 years old, F.O.C.U.S on Seniors; cross-cultural and inter-generational bridge builder.

    • Marjorie Zingle- 87 years old, started her 3rd IT company at 87. A provocateur who hates the word “aging” and is asking us to use “building a legacy of life experiences” instead.  

    • Elders Reg and Rose Crowshoe - 75 years old, modelling their learning from their grandparents to build understanding among their communities 



    In-Person- On Mainstage in Sundance A/B/C 

    Virtual- Broadcast Live to the Virtual Mainstage 

time iconOctober 10, 2023 17:30

Table Reflections: Audience Reflections for Whole Day (15 min)

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Marlene Raasok AAG
Alberta Association on Gerontology


Table Reflections: Audience Reflections for Whole Day (15 min)


Table Reflections regarding the day 

Moderator: Marlene Raasok, Alberta Association on Gerontology 


What excites you the most about what you have heard and that you can take away individually and locally? 



In-Person- On Mainstage in Sundance A/B/C 

Virtual- Broadcast Live to the Virtual Mainstage with breakout rooms- Moderated by Healthy Aging Alberta representatives. 

time iconOctober 10, 2023 17:45

Closing Remarks from AAG & HAA: Emerging Themes for Day 1 and Further Exploration in Days 2 & 3 (15 min)

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Karen McDonald Sage Seniors | HAA
Sage Seniors Association

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Sharon Anderson University of Alberta
Alberta Association on Gerontology


Healthy Aging Alberta and Alberta Association on Gerontology Closing Remarks for Day 1 (15 min) 

Closing Remarks from AAG & HAA:  

Emerging themes for Day 1 

Further exploration in Days 2 & 3 




Sharon Anderson, Alberta Association on Gerontology  

Reflections and major take-aways from Day 1

Karen McDonald, Healthy Aging Alberta

Speaks about Day 2 and 3 


In-Person- On Mainstage in Sundance A/B/C 

Virtual- Broadcast Live to the Virtual Mainstage 

time iconOctober 10, 2023 18:00

Reception: Celebrating our Diversity (6:00 pm - 7:30pm)


Appetizers, music, and mingling


This reception will NOT be broadcast virtually


In-Person- Sundance A/B/C and Venue Foyer/Hallway 

Virtual- not broadcast online

time iconOctober 11, 2023 07:30

Event Check-in and Breakfast (1 hour)



In-Person- Sundance A/B/C 

Virtual- No Virtual broadcast

time iconOctober 11, 2023 08:30

Introductory Remarks (10 min)

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Elder Jackie Bromley
Elder Kainai Nation

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Karen McDonald Sage Seniors | HAA
Sage Seniors Association


Host: Healthy Aging Alberta 


  • Karen McDonald, Executive Director, Sage Seniors Association - land acknowledgment and introduces Elder

  • Elder Jackie Bromley- Elder Prayer, Opening Ceremony 




In-Person- On Mainstage in Sundance A/B/C 

Virtual- Broadcast Live to the Virtual Mainstage 

time iconOctober 11, 2023 08:40

Welcoming Addresses (40 min)

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Michael Phair
Edmonton Pride Senior Group (EPSG)

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Karen McDonald Sage Seniors | HAA
Sage Seniors Association

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Karen Young
United Way of Calgary and Area

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Lisa Stebbins carya


Host: Healthy Aging Alberta 


  • Michael Phair MC

  • Welcome to Day 2! ~ Reflections

  • introduce Healthy Aging Alberta Team

  • Healthy Aging Alberta Community Leadership Council Speakers: Karen McDonald and Lisa Stebbins welcoming address

  • - recap of Day 1 and welcome to the day 

  • - what people can expect over the course of the day. 

  • - Karen and Lisa introduce Karen Young, United Way of Calgary and Area 


  • Karen Young, President and CEO, United Way of Calgary and Area 



In-Person- On Mainstage in Sundance A/B/C 

Virtual- Broadcast Live to the Virtual Mainstage 

time iconOctober 11, 2023 09:20

DAYTIME KEYNOTE: Social Enterprise with the Community-Based Seniors Serving sector (60 min)

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Shaun Loney

Session: Daytime Keynote: Social Enterprise with the Community-Based Seniors Serving sector

Speaker: Shaun Loney

Moderator: Healthy Aging Alberta

Introduction by Keynote Sponsor


Business-savvy non-profits have Canada on the cusp of a social innovation breakthrough. Our plan is to see the work of nonprofits properly valued so society and taxpayers can reap the benefits. To make it over the tipping point, all that is required is for governments to say “yes” to a shockingly simple question. Join Shaun Loney as he describes the surprising innovation occurring in the nonprofit sector.   


In-Person- On Mainstage in Sundance A/B/C 

Virtual- Broadcast Live to the Virtual Mainstage 

time iconOctober 11, 2023 10:20

Morning break with refreshments, networking and exhibitor visitation (20 min)


No Virtual Broadcast 

In-Person and Virtual Exhibitors will be open.

Please visit the virtual lounge to network with other attendees!

time iconOctober 11, 2023 10:40

Diversity Panel (1 hour, 35 min)

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Elder Jackie Bromley
Elder Kainai Nation

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Monica Morrison Healthy Aging Alberta
Healthy Aging Alberta

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Catherine Robertson
Rainbow Elders

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Tatiana Kastner
Jewish Family Services

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Wale Gbalajobi
Advisor to Bridge to Oasis Foundation (BTO)

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Liza Chan
Calgary Chinese Elderly Citizens' Association

Moderator: Monica Morrison from Healthy Aging Alberta Community Leadership Council


Elder Jackie Bromley, Kainai Nation

Catherine Robertson, Rainbow Elders

Liza Chan, Calgary Chinese Elderly Citizens' Association

Experiences of Social Isolation by Mandarin and Punjabi-Speaking Older Immigrants Living in Calgary

Tatiana Kastner, Jewish Family Services

Wale Gbalajobi, person with lived experience 


Panel to discuss how older adults are treated around the world. Aging around the world can look different for every country, community, and individual family. Cultural values and expectations form diverse models for senior care. Panel members will bring their cultural perspectives on caring for older adults, and we hope that the information they share will be insightful for attendees who are committed to supporting older adults to age in a culturally appropriate, healthy way. We can all learn something from how different cultures care for their older adults. 



In-Person- On Mainstage in Sundance A/B/C 

Virtual- Broadcast Live to the Virtual Mainstage 

time iconOctober 11, 2023 12:20

Lunch, networking and exhibitor visitation (60 min)


No Virtual Broadcast 

In-Person and Virtual Exhibitors will be open.

Please visit the virtual lounge to network with other attendees!

time iconOctober 11, 2023 13:20

welcome back- in breakout rooms

time iconOctober 11, 2023 13:30

Breakout A: Rebuilding Resilience: Key Factors Supporting Individuals and Communities (1 Hour)

speaker headshot

Tim Neubauer
Rural Mental Health Project, CMHA Alberta Division

Event Centre House Left

Breakout A  

Rebuilding Resilience: Key Factors Supporting Individuals and Communities (1 hour) 


Speaker: Tim Neubauer, Rural Mental Health Project 

Explore the essential elements of psycho-social care that help individuals and communities bounce back and flourish in the aftermath of a crisis. 

Tim is the Training Coordinator for the Rural Mental Health Project. He has spent over 28 years involved in community development work (asset-based), psycho-social capacity building in communities following natural and man-made disasters, and training development and facilitation for organizations across Alberta looking to create psychologically safer workplaces. Passionate about citizen-led community action, he is a champion for social movements seeking change at a societal level. 


This session will be offered twice. 



In-Person- Sundance A 

Virtual- Live Session Broadcast can be selected in the auditorium 

time iconOctober 11, 2023 13:30

Breakout B: Building Social Resilience Through Futures Literacy (1 Hour)

speaker headshot

Jeny Mathews-Thusoo
City of Calgary Collaboration, Analytics & Innovation (CAI)

Hotel C

Breakout B 

Building Social Resilience Through Futures Literacy (1 hour)  


Speaker: Jeny Mathews-Thusoo, Program Lead, Resilience & Futures Collaboration, Analytics & Innovation (CAI), The City of Calgary 

Futures literacy is central for the long-term resilience of societies. It is conducive to preparedness, adaptability, creativity, and ingenuity. It inspires hope and generates discussions on actions needed today so that our organizations and the communities we serve can be responsive to our ever-changing world and to the local and global challenges we are and will be facing. 

Jeny Mathews-Thusoo, Program Lead of Resilience & Futures at The City of Calgary will take you through an interactive session to develop your capabilities in futures literacy and to see new possibilities, while fostering a more future-oriented mindset to make positive changes in your lives. Jeny will introduce the concept of futures literacy, why futures literacy is important to be resilient, and then immerse you in a futures simulation (SunExit) that may have implications in the work you and your organization does. 


This session will be offered twice. 



In-Person- Sundance C 

Virtual- Live Session Broadcast can be selected in the auditorium 


time iconOctober 11, 2023 13:30

Breakout C: The Road to Better Seniors’ Transportation (1 Hour)

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Dr. Raza M. Mirza
Help Age Canada

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Gregor Sneddon
Help Age Canada

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Nicole Perry
HelpAge Canada

Hotel D

Breakout C 

The Road to Better Seniors’ Transportation (1 hour) 



Raza M. Mirza, HelpAge Canada  

Gregor Sneddon, HelpAge Canada

Nicole Perry, HelpAge Canada  


As we age, we rely on transportation for some of our most urgent needs. Yet studies show that only 6% of Canadian seniors use public transit as their primary mode of transportation due to lack of accessibility and other barriers.  

When older people can’t get around easily, their overall health and quality of life suffer. They need transportation solutions to live full and connected lives. It’s a complex and urgent problem; innovation, collaboration, and age-friendly approaches in the sector are the way forward. 


This session will be offered once. 



In-Person- Midnapore 

Virtual- Live Session Broadcast can be selected in the auditorium 

time iconOctober 11, 2023 13:30

Breakout D: A Path to Providing Integrated Care in Rural Communities (1 Hour)

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Sharon Hamlin
Connecting People and Community for Living Well, Strategic Clinical Networks , AHS

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Katharine Mellon
Connecting People and Community for Living Well, Strategic Clinical Networks , AHS

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Helen Lightfoot
Connecting People and Community for Living Well, Strategic Clinical Networks, AHS

Hotel E

Breakout D  

A Path to Providing Integrated Care in Rural Communities (1 hour) 



Sharon Hamblin, Helen Lightfoot &  Kathrine Mellon, Strategic Clinical Networks, Alberta Health Services 


The Connecting People and Community for Living Well (CPCLW) initiative aims to transform how health, social, and community sectors in rural communities work locally to design, deliver, and implement services and supportsThe work is grounded in a well-being perspective and aims to enhance multi-sector teams’ ability to transform how people are supported to live well in their homes and communities for as long as possible.  Findings from the past three years, which focused on those living with dementia and carers, will be shared, and how these learnings inform the current work supporting other underserved populationsAlso included will be a discussion around the social value of this type of work for individuals, communities, and publicly funded organizations and services (social support, community, and health care).   


This session will be offered twice. 



In-Person- Bridlewood 

Virtual- Live Session Broadcast can be selected in the auditorium 

time iconOctober 11, 2023 14:30

Transition time and Short Break, Exhibitors, Networking and Refreshments


No Virtual Broadcast 

In-Person and Virtual Exhibitors will be open.

Please visit the virtual lounge to network with other attendees!

time iconOctober 11, 2023 14:45

Breakout A: Rebuilding Resilience: Key Factors Supporting Individuals and Communities (1 Hour)

speaker headshot

Tim Neubauer
Rural Mental Health Project, CMHA Alberta Division

Sundance A

Breakout A  

Rebuilding Resilience: Key Factors Supporting Individuals and Communities (1 hour) 


Speaker: Tim Neubauer, Rural Mental Health Project 

Explore the essential elements of psycho-social care that help individuals and communities bounce back and flourish in the aftermath of a crisis. 

Tim is the Training Coordinator for the Rural Mental Health Project. He has spent over 28 years involved in community development work (asset-based), psycho-social capacity building in communities following natural and man-made disasters, and training development and facilitation for organizations across Alberta looking to create psychologically safer workplaces. Passionate about citizen-led community action, he is a champion for social movements seeking change at a societal level. 


This session will be offered twice. 



In-Person- Sundance A 

Virtual- Live Session Broadcast can be selected in the auditorium 

time iconOctober 11, 2023 14:45

Breakout B:Building Social Resilience Through Futures Literacy (1 Hour)

speaker headshot

Jeny Mathews-Thusoo
City of Calgary Collaboration, Analytics & Innovation (CAI)

Hotel C

Breakout B 

Building Social Resilience Through Futures Literacy (1 hour)  


Speaker: Jeny Mathews-Thusoo, Program Lead, Resilience & Futures Collaboration, Analytics & Innovation (CAI), The City of Calgary 

Futures literacy is central for the long-term resilience of societies. It is conducive to preparedness, adaptability, creativity, and ingenuity. It inspires hope and generates discussions on actions needed today so that our organizations and the communities we serve can be responsive to our ever-changing world and to the local and global challenges we are and will be facing. 

Jeny Mathews-Thusoo, Program Lead of Resilience & Futures at The City of Calgary will take you through an interactive session to develop your capabilities in futures literacy and to see new possibilities, while fostering a more future-oriented mindset to make positive changes in your lives. Jeny will introduce the concept of futures literacy, why futures literacy is important to be resilient, and then immerse you in a futures simulation (SunExit) that may have implications in the work you and your organization does. 


This session will be offered twice. 



In-Person- Sundance C 

Virtual- Live Session Broadcast can be selected in the auditorium 

time iconOctober 11, 2023 14:45

Breakout D: A Path to Providing Integrated Care in Rural Communities (1 Hour)

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Sharon Hamlin
Connecting People and Community for Living Well, Strategic Clinical Networks , AHS

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Katharine Mellon
Connecting People and Community for Living Well, Strategic Clinical Networks , AHS

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Helen Lightfoot
Connecting People and Community for Living Well, Strategic Clinical Networks, AHS

Hotel E

Breakout D  

A Path to Providing Integrated Care in Rural Communities (1 hour) 



Sharon Hamblin, Helen Lightfoot &  Kathrine Mellon, Strategic Clinical Networks, Alberta Health Services 


The Connecting People and Community for Living Well (CPCLW) initiative aims to transform how health, social, and community sectors in rural communities work locally to design, deliver, and implement services and supportsThe work is grounded in a well-being perspective and aims to enhance multi-sector teams’ ability to transform how people are supported to live well in their homes and communities for as long as possible.  Findings from the past three years, which focused on those living with dementia and carers, will be shared, and how these learnings inform the current work supporting other underserved populationsAlso included will be a discussion around the social value of this type of work for individuals, communities, and publicly funded organizations and services (social support, community, and health care).   


This session will be offered twice.  



In-Person- Bridlewood 

Virtual- Live Session Broadcast can be selected in the auditorium. 

time iconOctober 11, 2023 14:45

Breakout E: Opening the Door to Aging in Place: Insights from the Intergenerational Canada Homeshare Program (1 Hour)

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Dr. Raza M. Mirza
Help Age Canada

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Gregor Sneddon
Help Age Canada

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Nicole Perry
HelpAge Canada

Hotel D

Breakout E 

Opening the Door to Aging in Place: Insights from the Intergenerational Canada Homeshare Program (1 hour) 



Raza M. Mirza, HelpAge Canada  

Gregor Sneddon, HelpAge Canada

Nicole Perry, HelpAge Canada   


Older adults prefer to live in their own homes for as long as possible — to 'age in place' — but, for myriad reasons, may be unable to do so. To address this, several housing alternatives have been explored, including homesharing. Canada Homeshare is an intergenerational shared housing solution with the potential to empower older adults to age and thrive in place by enabling them to obtain additional income, companionship, and assistance with completing household tasks in exchange for renting out a room in their home. The program matches older adults (55+) with postsecondary students, and insights will be shared around the following themes:

  • (1) benefits and challenges of participating in homeshare for older adults;
  • (2) intergenerational engagement as social exchange; and
  • (3) how homeshareing can support older adults living in the community.

Additional insights important for policy and practice, and areas for future research will be presented. 


This session will be offered once. 



In-Person- Midnapore 

Virtual- Live Session Broadcast can be selected in the auditorium 

time iconOctober 11, 2023 14:45

Breakout K: Emerging financial tools that help nonprofits (1 hour)

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Shaun Loney

Sundance B

Breakout K 

Emerging financial tools that help nonprofits (1 hour)  


Speaker: Sean Loney  


What if nonprofits are actually subsidizing governments, not the other way around?  Shaun Loney will go into more detail about emerging financial tools that help nonprofits “get up from the kids table” to become part of the mainstream economy, not breathing its fumes.  Nonprofits can see their work financially valued by embracing tools such as social enterprise, social procurement, outcomes purchasing, community bonds and impact investment. 


This session will be offered once. 



In-Person- Sundance B 

Virtual- Live Session Broadcast can be selected in the auditorium 

time iconOctober 11, 2023 15:45

Transition time and Short Break


No Virtual Broadcast 

In-Person and Virtual Exhibitors will be open.

Please visit the virtual lounge to network with other attendees!

time iconOctober 11, 2023 16:00

Mainstage Discussion and closing announcements (30 min)

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Michael Phair
Edmonton Pride Senior Group (EPSG)

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Larry Mathieson Unison
Unison at Kerby Centre

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Shantel Ottenbreit City of Medicine Hat
City of Medicine Hat




Michael Phair MC, Edmonton Pride Seniors Group (EPSG)


Healthy Aging Alberta Community Leadership Council Members: Larry Mathieson - CEO, Unison at Kerby Centre

Shantel Ottenbreit- Community Resource Worker, City of Medicine Hat

  • introduce Minister

Nixon, Jason, Honourable, Minister of Seniors, Community and Social Services

Mainstage Discussion, reflections and closing announcements.  



In-Person- On Mainstage in Sundance A/B/C 

Virtual- Broadcast Live to the Virtual Mainstage 

time iconOctober 11, 2023 16:30



No Virtual Broadcast 

In-Person and Virtual Exhibitors will be open.

Please visit the virtual lounge to network with other attendees!

time iconOctober 11, 2023 17:00

Cocktail hour and networking


No Virtual Broadcast

time iconOctober 11, 2023 18:00


speaker headshot

Michael Phair
Edmonton Pride Senior Group (EPSG)


No Virtual Broadcast

time iconOctober 11, 2023 18:45

EVENING KEYNOTE: Collaboration Between Communities, Municipalities, & Government (60 min)

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Dr. Amara C. Enyia


Session: Evening Keynote: Collaboration Between Communities, Municipalities, & Government

Speaker: Dr. Amara Enyia

Introduction by: Michael Phair

Dr. Amara Enyia shares some insights on effective community organizing and how to actively listen and engage community members to galvanize resources and increase collaboration.


In-Person- On Mainstage in Sundance A/B/C

Virtual- Broadcast Live to the Virtual Mainstage 

time iconOctober 12, 2023 07:30

Event Check-in and Breakfast


No Virtual Broadcast 

time iconOctober 12, 2023 08:30

Introductory Remarks

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Elder Patrick Diagneault
Cree Elder

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Rob Miyashiro LSCO
Lethbridge Senior Citizens Organization

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Sheila Hallett ESCC
Edmonton Seniors Coordinating Council (ESCC)


Introductory Remarks 

Moderator: Healthy Aging Alberta 



  • Healthy Aging Alberta, Community Leadership Council, Sheila Hallett and Rob Miyashiro - Welcome and Land Acknowledgment

  • Elder Patrick Diagneault - Elder Prayer, Opening Ceremony

  • Healthy Aging Alberta, Community Leadership Council, Sheila Hallett and Rob Miyashiro - summarize day three

  • Honourable Adriana LaGrange - Minister of Health


In-Person- On Mainstage in Sundance A/B/C 

Virtual- Broadcast Live to the Virtual Mainstag 

time iconOctober 12, 2023 08:50

Aging in Community Supports Provincial Model Development & the Healthy Aging Framework (50 min)

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Mariam Elghahuagi
United Way of Calgary and Area, Healthy Aging Alberta

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Stephanie Banszky Healthy Aging Alberta
United Way of Calgary and Area, Healthy Aging Alberta

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Beth Mansell Healthy Aging Alberta
United Way of Calgary and Area, Healthy Aging Alberta

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Lauren Slavik Healthy Aging Alberta
United Way of Calgary and Area, Healthy Aging Alberta

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Marla Kailly Healthy Aging Alberta
United Way of Calgary and Area, Healthy Aging Alberta

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Jasmine Elniski
United Way of Calgary and Area, Healthy Aging Alberta

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Rebecca Aspden Healthy Aging Alberta
United Way of Calgary and Area, Healthy Aging Alberta


Aging in Community Supports Provincial Model Development & the Healthy Aging Framework  


Presenters: Healthy Aging Alberta (50 min)  

  • Introduction 

  • Community and Home Supports  

  • Social Prescribing  

  • Transportation  

  • Healthy Aging Framework  

  • conclusion 



In-Person- On Mainstage in Sundance A/B/C 

Virtual- Broadcast Live to the Virtual Mainstage 

time iconOctober 12, 2023 09:40

Sector Development Journeys (1 hour 20 min)

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Chris Smith
Muttart Foundation

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Karen McDonald Sage Seniors | HAA
Sage Seniors Association

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Marcy Cohen

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Blake Eves Healthy Aging Alberta
Magrath Seniors Organization

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Doreen Williams Circle of Wisdom
Circle of Wisdom Elders and Senior’s Centre

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Pieter De Vos
University of Alberta

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Kahir Lalji
United Way BC


Sector Development Journeys (1 hour 20 min)  




Healthy Aging Alberta Community Leadership Council Members Blake Eves and Doreen Williams 

  • introduce the session and speakers


Moderator: Karen McDonald, Executive Director, Sage Seniors Association 




  • Kahir Lalji, United Way British Columbia

  • Marcy Cohen, United Way British Columbia

  • Chris Smith, The Muttart Foundation

    Pieter de Vos, University of Alberta 

  • Healthy Aging community-based sector policy paper 

  • Learning from parallels - the British Columbia story of healthy aging community-based sector development journey and the creation of the Alberta Early Childhood and Education sector.  

  • Healthy Aging Alberta’s efforts in learning applications and the development of a touchstone document for the development of our Healthy Aging community-based sector.  



In-Person - On Mainstage in Sundance A/B/C